

Creativity and Aesthetics

Technology and Realization

Math, Data and Computing


2016 (M12)



Joep Frens

Matthias Funk

Jeffrey Braun

During my research semester at the TUe I set of to develop a design that featured a form of rich interaction in a growing systems context. The final designs are a set of three devices that allow for inter-household auditory connections. The peer-to-peer audio stream creates a form of rich interaction with sound in the following way. If a user puts one of the devices in their house, it can connect to other, random, households over Wi-Fi. When switched on, the device transmits an abstracted version of a live audio feed from it’s surroundings to the instance of the Gab1.0 that it’s paired to. Users can interact with the device to abstract the sound, find a different transceiver, and mute the in- and output of the device itself. 

Together with Bastiaan van Hout I wrote a collective research paper at the end of the project that included rounds of user testing and concretized our findings in the field of rich interaction in a growing systems context. 


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